šŸ‘Æ Even better vibes

We spent quite some time improving and polishing vibes even further!

New Features

  • šŸŽ§ Preview any song before adding it to your vibes with the preview button next to the track title when creating a vibe
  • šŸ’¬ Quickly send a chat message to the person who posted the vibe you're viewing, if you haven't connected, you can send a chat invite!
  • šŸ˜¢ In the unlikely case that no preview is provided by Spotify, we'll display a hint so you can skip ahead!

Fixes and improvements

  • ā–¶ļø You can now quickly play your own vibes with the new play button when creating a vibe
  • šŸšŖ And various bug fixes for the onboarding and selecting a playlist